「オンチなあなたに贈る、てるてるぼうず」A teru teru bozu for the tone-deaf among you. * * * オンチなあなたへ。少しずれてるって。少し外れてるって。でも大丈夫。それもあなたの魅力だよ。あした元気になあれ。To the tone-deaf you.A little off.A little comical.But thats okay.Thats part of your charm.Be well tomorrow. * * * oto oto bozuは、そんなあなたにそっと寄り添うてるてるぼうず。壁や窓に飾ったり、樹にさげたり、枕もとに置いたり。やわらかい布製なので、自由に使ってください。※手作りのため、刺繍や形などに1点1点個性があります。お届けの商品と写真とは、多少異なる部分もございますことをご了承ください。【サイズ】23cm 【素材】生地/綿、わた/ポリエステルoto oto bozu is a teru teru bozu that gently accompanies you.It can be displayed on a wall or window, hung on a tree, or placed under your pillow.It is made of soft cloth, so you can use it freely.Because they are handmade, each item is unique in terms of embroidery and shape. Please understand that there may be slight differences between the delivered product and the photograph.Size:23cm Materials:cloth/cotton,padding/polyester fiber