【SHUNS】100th Tops~kami_hikouki(100th ver.)~次なる100の空にkami_hikoukiを飛ばすという、想いを込めてこの服をデザインしました。「内容」Tシャツ【表】SHUNS【裏】kami_hikouki(100th ver.)「素材」綿100%「商品情報」100週連続で発表された100作品目のkami_hikouki Tシャツが登場しました!今までにないユニークで斬新なデザインは必見です。世界中から注目されるブランドから、あなたにこそ手に取ってほしい一枚です。素材にもこだわっており、着心地はとても快適。肌触りの良い天然繊維を使用しており、吸湿性や通気性にも優れ、暑い季節でも快適です。デザインだけでなく、品質にもこだわった一枚です。こちらのTシャツは、ファッションアイテムとしてだけでなく、アート作品としても楽しめます。100作品目のkami_hikoukiが現れる特別な一枚を手に取って、あなたも私たちのストーリーに参加しませんか?※サイズについては、あらかじめご確認ください。商品が届いた際に初めて試着をすることをおすすめします。「カラー」白「サイズ」S,M,L,XL,XXL(男女ともに)「注意事項」※この商品画像はイメージです。※商品到着までお振込みが確認出来てから2週間程度となります。[SHUNS] 100th Tops~kami_hikouki (100th ver.)~I designed this outfit with the thought of flying kami_hikouki into the next 100 skies."Content"T-shirt[Table] SHUNS[Back] kami_hikouki (100th ver.)"material"100% cotton"Product Information"The 100th kami_hikouki T-shirt released for 100 consecutive weeks has arrived! A unique and novel design that has never been seen before is a must-see. From brands that are attracting attention from all over the world, it is a piece that you want to pick up.The material is also carefully selected, and it is very comfortable to wear. Made of natural fibers that are comfortable to the touch, it has excellent moisture absorption and breathability, making it comfortable even in hot weather. This is a piece that focuses not only on design, but also on quality.This T-shirt can be enjoyed not only as a fashion item, but also as a work of art. Would you like to participate in our story by picking up a special piece that features the 100th kami_hikouki?*Please check the size in advance. We recommend that you try on the product for the first time when you receive it."Color"White"size"S, M, L, XL, XXL (both men and women)"Notes"*This product image is an image.* It will take about 2 weeks from the time the transfer is confirmed until the product arrives.